Saturday, September 5, 2015

Water Lilies and Lunch in Frederick, MD

This'll be short and sweet.

I subscribe to Washingtonian and follow it on social media so I'm pretty up to date on the goings-on in the DC Metro Area.  I came across a recent blurb on Frederick, MD, which highlighted a project called Color on the Creek.

The water garden is allegedly six times the size of the famed water garden that inspired Claude Monet in Giverny, France. I'm still kicking myself almost eight years later for missing the opportunity to take a side-trip to Giverny when we were honeymooning in Paris.  It was already closed to tourists at the time (November) but had we followed the traditional route of honeymooning immediately after our wedding we would've been able to see it.  Oh well. C'est la vie!

We tried to get to Frederick during the peak time for morning blooms but I'd say that at least half of the flowers were still closed.  I was also a little disappointed to observe various bits of litter in the creek.  I wasn't blown away by the display (my expectations were rather high) BUT it was lovely to see and I'm glad we made the drive out there.  As an addendum, Downtown Frederick is a charming backdrop to the Creek.

Since I knew we were going to take this trek out to Frederick I researched a place to eat as well.  We ate lunch at The Wine Kitchen right on the Creek.

It was a very good meal.  I think we'd both agree that our favorite part was the macaroni and cheese we split as an appetizer. They use a kind of pasta, galletti, neither of us had ever seen or heard of before.  It resembled a curved rigatoni with a mohawk.  Fun!

Evan's tuna tartare tacos were so small they were actually bite-size.  He was finished before I was halfway done with my food.  I ended up splitting my rainbow trout with him so he wouldn't go hungry.  

We weren't in Frederick for long but we enjoyed our time there.  I gather there are many good food options and little shops to explore, too.  All in all, it was a fun way to pass a couple of hours.  I'd go again if the opportunity presented itself or an event of interest came to my attention.